Monday, December 21, 2009

An unexpected fan of intelligent design

If you don't know Richard Dawkins, well, no matter really. Let's just say he's one of the superstars of the Church of Darwin, where things just pop up out of nowhere.

Conversely, the idea of an Intelligent Design-er is totally out of the question.

I had the opportunity to DVR "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" where Ben Stein posits several questions to Dr. Dawkins about how life started on earth. It's in this clip that Dawkins actually puts forth the idea that maybe really smart aliens (highly evolved aliens, of course) might have gotten the thing started by planting a self-replicating seed here on this planet.

Aliens...a higher intelligence...from a distant galaxy...evidently millions or billions of years ago...coming to this one planet for the purpose of...a biology experiment?

And they have trouble with us because we haven't found Noah's Ark, yet.

What are ya', nuts?


Friday, December 4, 2009

Worth Every Penny!

There's a recently discovered letter written by George Washington to his nephew back in 1787, supporting the yet-to-be-approved Constitution. They're estimating the document should auction off at about $2.5 million. Was able to find a copy of it.

I'm thinking that this section here, if we were to take heed of it, is worth the money.

"It is agreed on all hands that no government can be well administered without powers; yet the instant these are delegated, although those who are in-trusted with the administration are no more than the creatures of the people, act as it were but for a day, and are amenable for every false step they take, they are, from the moment they receive it, set down as tyrants; their natures, they would conceive from this, immediately changed, and that they can have no other disposition but to oppress."

Power, even when delegated temporarily, corrupts...and he knew that back then.